On Top of the World

Well behaved women rarely make history.

Archive for writing

Happy Mid-Year

It’s six months into 2010 and time to revisit the goals I set myself in January:

Write a novel.
Well, no I have not done this or started this — however, the main point of this goal was “Point being, something original.” This, I am doing. And goal within goal, May was my month for putting together my proposal. Now June is my month for researching agents and the like.

Sell a song.
Er. Well, if I can get my vid for my dance project done already I will consider that a lateral replacement for this.

Update my blogs once a week.
I do this!! I do this really well!!

Be an activist.
I have been doing better at this, too. It’s tough to work it in but I’m working at it.

Use my planner.
Hahaha, no. BUT, I have seen progress in my time management.

Stop biting my nails.
FAIL. Does anyone have any tips and tricks for this?

Overall, I think pretty good.